Candle on the Wall: A Flicker of Light in the Darkness


Candles have been used for centuries to provide light in the darkness. While they may seem outdated in today’s world of electricity and LED lights, there is something magical about the flickering flame of a candle. One particular use of candles that has gained popularity in recent years is the candle on the wall. This article will explore the symbolism and practicality of this simple yet powerful source of light.

The Symbolism of a Candle on the Wall

The image of a candle on the wall is often used in literature and art to represent hope. When all other sources of light have faded away, a candle on the wall can provide a glimmer of hope in the darkness. It is a symbol of perseverance and determination in the face of adversity. As the famous quote by Margaret Atwood goes, “A candle unused is nothing but wax and wick. I would rather light the candle, knowing it would be burnt out by morning, than curse the darkness.”

Practical Uses of a Candle on the Wall

While the symbolism of a candle on the wall is powerful, it is also a practical source of light in certain situations. During power outages, a candle on the wall can provide enough light to navigate through a dark house. In outdoor camping or hiking situations, a candle on the wall can also provide a small amount of warmth and comfort in the cold.

Creating a Candle on the Wall

Creating a candle on the wall is a simple process that requires only a few tools. First, you will need a candle holder that can be mounted on the wall. These are often made of metal or glass and can be found at most home decor stores. Next, you will need a candle that fits into the holder. Finally, you will need a way to mount the holder onto the wall. This can be done with screws or adhesive strips, depending on the type of wall.

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